What is this?

Young writers are doing exceptional work— for school papers, with their own projects, in their communities— with the stories they tell. This Q&A series is meant to spotlight young journalists, writers, and storytellers. That includes those reporting local news, whether it is a breaking story in their community or a scoop about their campus. Rather than a how-to guide (there are amazing ones that exist!), this project highlights and amplifies their stories. Hopefully, it’ll give us some cool, new writers to follow, too!

Who does this feature?

In short…young writers! Maybe that means you write and report for your middle school/high school/college newspaper. But maybe you don’t! Maybe you blog, freelance, cover your community in a different way, have started a project or podcast to publish your peers, etc. Lots of brilliant journalists happen to be students…but lots of incredible young freelancers haven’t worked for a school paper. We need more diversity in journalism and writing, in general. So, the goal here is to amplify young people doing interesting work, regardless of whether it’s happening in the “traditional” context.

Are you a young writer?

Let’s talk. Tell me about your work here!

Are you a young writer?

Let’s talk. Tell me about your work here!

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a young writer Q&A